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Exploring the Future of Business at The Metaverse Spectrum Business Conference
As businesses continue to adapt to these transformative trends, the upcoming Metaverse Spectrum Business Conference, hosted by Metaverse Spectrum, stands ready to provide an unparalleled platform for exploration, connection, and innovation.
Rapid Transformations in the US Labor Market: Navigating Change Amidst Pandemic and Automation
A report by McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) Generative AI and the future of work in America (download here) highlights the key trends shaping the labor landscape and outlines implications for public relations (PR) executive leadership.
CommPRO: ChatGPT Craze, Evolving Content Preferences, And Iconic Comebacks
From the ChatGPT craze to evolving content preferences and iconic brand resurgences, these developments hold valuable insights for public relations (PR) executive leadership in Tubular Lab’s H2 2023 Social Video Trends report.
Zoom Clarifies Data Usage in Updated Terms of Service
In a recent move, video conferencing giant Zoom has revised its terms of service and addressed concerns regarding its use of customer data for training artificial intelligence (AI) models.
The Opportunities and Considerations of Leveraging Workflow Automation in Marketing Communications
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the marketing and communications landscape with workflow automation and robotic process automation (RPA) being an area of massive impact.
The Impact of Predictive Analytics on Marketing Communications
Predictive analytics is a category of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses historical data, statistical modeling, and machine learning to make predictions about future outcomes and a game-changer for public relations professionals.
Google and Universal Music in Talks to License AI-Generated Songs Featuring Artists' Voices
Google and Universal Music are engaged in discussions to license artists' melodies and voices for songs created using artificial intelligence (AI) according to a recent FT.com article.
The Impact of Generative AI on Global Economy and Society In A Turning Point for Society
The report highlights the exponential growth of generative AI and emphasizes the need for organizations to act swiftly and decisively to harness its co-creational potential.
Importance of AI and Automation in Public Relations: Enhancing Efficiency and Impact
A new benchmark survey conducted by The Conference Board in collaboration with Ragan Communications reveals that marketing and communications professionals are increasingly co-creating with artificial intelligence (AI) in their work.
AI in Social Media Global Market Report Unlocks Growth Potential for Businesses
The AI in Social Media Global Market Report by The Business Research Company (US$4000) offers valuable insights into leveraging AI-powered solutions and services to boost business growth.
Why Executives Need to Embrace AI in Public Relations
As AI-powered platforms such as ChatGPT, Taylor, Synthesia and more become integral to the modern landscape, public relations professionals need to adapt and capitalize on this technology to stay relevant and effective in a competitive market.
Kickoff Events With AI Generated Icebreakers
Remo, a virtual events platform, has launched its AI Icebreaker Question Generator as a free tool designed to transform the networking game and revolutionize traditional event planning.
A Controversial 'White Fonting' Résumé Hack in the Age of AI-Driven Job Screening
In recent years, the practice of "white fonting" has resurfaced on social media platforms like TikTok, with some influencers claiming it can improve job seekers' chances of getting past AI-based résumé filters.
6 Ways Business Leaders Can Leverage an AI Image Generator
Using artificial intelligence to create customized images can really help business leaders cut costs and speed up all kinds of marketing communications initiatives.
Addressing Inherent Cybersecurity Risks in AI Adoption in Grant Thornton Research
Recent research from Grant Thornton has highlighted five primary cybersecurity risks associated with the implementation of AI technologies.
CIO Insights on Generative AI and Unleashing the Great Acceleration
A July 2023 report from the MIT Technology Review explores the insights and perspectives of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) from leading companies and experts from various sectors, analyzing their thoughts about AI in the context of a global survey of senior data and technology executives.
Implications and Challenges for the Media Industry with the OpenAI and The Associated Press AI Licensing Deal
OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, announced a significant agreement with The Associated Press (AP) to license a portion of AP's extensive archive of news stories.
Introducing the Communications Engineer
The emergence of the Communications Engineer as a role will be vital in harnessing AI solutions to revolutionize communication strategies.
Introducing AI Aviators: Your Guide to Transforming Communication with Artificial Intelligence
CoCreations announces the launch of AI Aviators, a groundbreaking video series, which aims to be an executive’s guide in leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize content creation and customer engagement.
5 Often Overlooked Ways to Use AI to Improve Your Customer Service
While you may have already implemented an AI chatbot on your website to answer visitors’ questions (which expedites the buyer journey), there are many other ways AI can improve your customer service.
CommPRO is the leading communications and marketing publisher providing valuable insights, resources, and networking opportunities for professionals in the corporate communications, public relations, and marketing fields.