Will IoT Make United Stechs Of America Great Again?

Will IoT Make United Stechs Of America Great Again? Tom Madden CoCreations

It’s 2084, less than a year out from the next presidential election.

Temperature 125° Wind 128 mph. Relatively nice day with less flooding.  The candidates, the latest tech systems, are all out campaigning hard against soft incumbent, AI.

AI is now considered much too old, too slow, too full of glitches to hold the high tech office of president of the United Stechs of America. 

AI’s leading opponent Microhard posts on X² that AI is unfit to run the country now facing threatening tech challenges from Chinacology, Arabetics and Muskbotnets.  

So fond of the “F” word, Muskbotnets will soon add it to its Declaration of Teslamic Independence.

“These are technologically challenging times and the tech you send to the hITe House better have an IP address on which techies can perform and program,” emitted Microhard.

Microhard plans to delete all those techno-idiots soft on open-source software it believes the UTA needs to stay in the electronic front seat of the most powerful computer-led, algorithm-driven country in the world.

It is high and mighty tech that will win the next Hack World War, it posts.

Microhard, some call Microhardon, believes its F’ing Tech will save this F’ing infantile planet from such human frailties as the F’ing viruses of compassion and kindness for which there’s not yet a vaccine.  

Symptoms include the most revolting of all humanness, the senseless practice of aiding the poor, the hungry, and sick, the impoverished tech illiterate masses lacking computer skills to survive in a hard drive world on their own PC’s.  

“The hard drive to survive is easy when you subscribe to Microhard” is the candidate’s campaign slogan spreading high and mightily throughout the high-tech world preparing to convert democracy to technocracy.


According to Tech Ethicist Tristan Harris, “As we have been upgrading machines, we’ve been downgrading humanity.”  He is a co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, a nonprofit organization that aims to align technology with humanity.  

Tom Madden

Tom Madden is a nervous author concerned that Artificial Intelligence could write rings around him and other human authors.  His latest book WORDSHINE MAN is about how to make writing inviting, which took him six months what AI could probably have done in six minutes. He believes companies like Microsoft need what he’s also good at delivering more humanly, PR, from his public relations firm, TransMedia Group, which he founded when he left NBC. 


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